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Grad 2024: To the parents, from a student

Graduate Madeleine Daniels-Pratt delivered the following message during Grad 2024 celebrations earlier this month at Powell River Recreation Complex.
Madeleine Daniels-Pratt

As we stand here today, on the cusp of the end of our high school journey, we can't help but feel a range of emotions. Excitement for what's to come, apprehension about the future, and, of course, a deep sense of gratitude for the people who have supported us all the way through - our parents.

Parents, there are no words to express how much we appreciate everything you've done for us.

From the early mornings spent making us breakfast, to the late nights spent helping us with homework, to the countless hours spent cheering us on at sports games and performances, you've been there for us every step of the way. And let's be real, we haven't always been easy to deal with.

From the tantrums we threw as toddlers to the eye-rolls we gave you as teenagers, we know we've put you through the wringer. But through it all, you've loved us unconditionally, and for that we can never thank you enough. You've been our constant support system, our cheerleaders and our role models.

You've taught us the value of hard work, perseverance and kindness, and we'll carry those lessons with us for the rest of our lives.

As we move on to the next phase of our lives, we want you to know that we couldn't have done it without you. We promise to make you proud, to chase our dreams and to always remember the love and guidance you've given us. And when we succeed, we know it will be because of you.

You've given us the foundation we need to thrive, and we'll never forget it. So thank you, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and other supportive family and friends, for everything. It truly takes a village to get us here.

We'll always be grateful for the role you've played in shaping us into the people we are today.

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