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qathet School District briefs

Daycare construction, professional day, school safety procedures

Daycare centre developments

During the qathet School District (qSD) board meeting on Wednesday, February 21, qSD director of operations and project lead on daycare construction, Jared Formosa, gave an update to school trustees on the progress of two modular daycare centres being built in the school district. Formosa emphasized that the modular buildings, one at Edgehill Elementary School and one at Kelly Creek Community School, are well constructed, with a capacity of up to 28 children, ages 16 to 30 months of age.

The space will be designed with separated age-appropriate rooms and outside play spaces. 

Formosa said that the two daycare centres will be ready-to-go by May 2024, with a plan to officially open in September.

Trustee remuneration  

qSD secretary-treasurer Steve Hopkins presented a report at the committee of the whole meeting on January 10, 2024, that recommended trustee remuneration be increased by 6.75 per cent. The motion was adopted at the qSD board meeting on February 21. 

Professional Development Day

qSD board of trustees chairperson Jaclyn Miller highlighted  work done by teachers and staff on the school district's professional development day (Pro-D Day) that took place February 16. Miller said the topics of AI in education, digital literacy, place-based education and classroom management were just a few of the presentations given. The day was also about acknowledging some long-time staff at qSD.

"We gathered for a wonderful lunch by chef Knickerbocker and his team at Brooks, and honoured our long-term staff celebrating ten, 15, 20, 25 and even 45 years in the qathet School District," said Miller at the February 21, qSD board meeting.

Review of safety procedures

Miller addressed school safety protocols at the February 21 board meeting.

"As part of our efforts to ensure our schools are safe, we spent time at the committee of the whole meeting, reviewing our administrative procedures (APs) that related to safety," said Miller. "While we recently reviewed all of our polices and APs, re-looking at these through the lens of safety has highlighted the need to provide more structure in some areas, reduce some redundancies, and add in a sexual assault protocol."

Miller emphasized the importance of students, parents and staff being clear on the procedures in place should there be an incident of violence at schools in qSD.

"Staff are working diligently with community partners to ensure that we have a comprehensive plan in place that works best for our community," added Miller.

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