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Holidays season stories from qathet School District: Grade one

Christmas Octopus; The Christmas Holiday; Santa Fell On The Boat; No Friends

Christmas Octopus
Mason Fuglewicz, Grade one, Texada Elementary School

Once there was an octopus. He had been nice, and he met Santa. Actually, he was Santa. He was known as Santa Octy.

He found a little kid and he wanted to give the little kid a dolly that opens and shuts its eyes. This little boy was Tyler.

On Christmas Day Tyler woke up from his bed and went to look if he got the doll and he did. There was a note on it from Santa Octy.

Then Tyler read, "Dear Tyler. I love you so much. Thanks for asking."

Tyler went down to the ocean at Van Anda and said, “I'll give you a gift, too, Santa Octy. Here's some seashells."

Tyler had a happy day.


The Christmas Holiday
Julianne Bretzlaff, Grade one, Westview Elementary School

Once upon a time a girl named Isla was spending time with her family for Christmas. Santa was definitely coming because she was a good girl.

When Santa came Isla was awake and she heard Santa. She went downstairs and caught Santa.

"You are on my naughty list," he said.

Isla said, "Santa, I was on your good list all year and now I'm not. It's not fair."

Santa said, "yes it is" and Isla said "no it's not."

Santa said, "well then, I'm going to skip your house."

Then Isla gave Santa cookies and carrots for the reindeer but he left anyways. Isla yelled "Santa, come back."

Santa came back and told Isla to go to sleep.

"No," said Isla. Santa said, "yes, you have to go to bed."

Isla said, "all right" and went to bed. Isla's parents heard her and woke up and asked why she was out of bed.

"Go to bed," her mom said, so Isla went to bed. In the morning she woke up and nothing was there except for the cookies and carrots she had left for Santa.

"Oh no," said Isla, "I was too mean to Santa, I should have listened."

The next year she tried to do her best to help. She did her mother's chores, her father's chores, her dog's chores and her own chores. Isla was getting presents for sure this year.

"I hope I get presents," she said. "I can't wait for Santa to come. This time I'm going to bed. Ready, set, sleep."

Santa came and made a loud crunchy sound when he stepped in. Isla did nothing but sleep. Santa left presents and filled her stocking. When Isla woke up it was Christmas morning.


Santa Fell On The Boat
Timothy Stahl, Grade one, Texada Elementary School

Santa was riding his sleigh through the night. George Fisherman saw Santa falling into the ocean, so he rushed fast across the water in his fishing boat and caught him. Just in time.

Then Santa was so happy that he used his magic to build George a house on George's fishing boat. George gave his house on the island to someone named Sir Fishalot. He could now have a life, and his boy and girl went to the island school.

Then Santa decided to make George a rocket blaster engine, so he didn't have to pull the handle on its own anymore. This made George happy.

George decided to give some toys to Santa to give out on Christmas Eve. George and Sir Fishalot became best friends with Santa and lived happily ever after.

The Elf’s Surprise
Bijoux Stotz, Grade one, Kelly Creek Community School

Once there was an elf in a winter forest. He was lost.

But he saw a face. He was scared.

But it was just Santa. He came to save him.


No Friends
Sierra Gentry, Grade one, Kelly Creek Community School

The snowman had no friends. He tried to find a friend.

The snowman found a friend at the store. She was nice.


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