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Holiday season stories via qathet School District: Grade seven

Santa's Little Secret; A Christmas Conundrum; Visitors from the South

Santa's Little Secret
Beckett Pinch, Grade seven, Westview Elementary School

T'was the night before Christmas and a child was wide awake, because he had a nightmare, about a monster in a lake. I'd love to keep rhyming, but that would take hours, and I need to have time to water my flowers(don't ask why they grow in winter).

The kid went upstairs and saw the cookies had been eaten, and he thought "Santa must be here!"

He checked the stockings and the tree, and they were full, but all his attention went to the window when he saw it. The window was broken, he ran outside, and there he was Santa.

"Santa, why did you break my window?" said the boy.

"How do you think I get in?" responded Santa. "The elves rebuild the window after every year."

"Why can't you just use the door?” responded the boy. "Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh, the door, why did I never think of that?" said Santa as he rode away.

The boy then felt satisfied about the fact that he just saved Santa from possible lawsuits against him, that would leave him in prison.


A Christmas Conundrum
Molly Hillier, Grade seven, École Côte du Soleil

The wind puffs up my beard as I enter the qathet region, one of the easiest places to deliver presents. There are so many naughty children I barely have to touch down my sleigh.

Sure, there are a few nice children like little Becky and Susie down Manson Avenue and Bernard who lives up Toba Street.

At the moment I am flying over Powell Lake with Rudolph to light the way. Clank! Now what is that noise? I look to my left and what I see gives me a fright, a big sea plane is headed my way!

I don’t have time to swerve and the plane hits the sleigh, sending me and the reindeer flying. I tumble through the air doing flips and somersaults until I finally hit the chilling water. The water has a layer of slush and I start to shiver.

I don’t remember passing out but I guess I did. And I woke up on a float cabin. An empty chip bag brushes my beard and I sit up and look around. I see my reindeer all curled up in the cabin and my sleigh…it’s broken to a thousand pieces, maybe even a million.

A thought appears in my head and I run over to my satchel that seems to have made it through the crash. Luckily the elves made it waterproof and I ring my emergency button. In no time, a squad comes with a new sleigh and the back-up reindeers. Christmas is saved! 


Visitors from the South
Willem De Flamingh, Grade seven, Powell River Christian School

Willem and Juan were very excited to find out that their cousins are arriving from South Africa for Christmas. Their cousins have never been to Canada, they have never seen snow before.

In South Africa they have different Christmas traditions. They celebrate Christmas during the summer, so their Christmas dinner is usually served cold and includes lamb, gammon, cold salads and trifle for dessert. A Canadian Christmas dinner is usually hot and it includes a ham, turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, roasted vegetables and pecan pie. Canadians also enjoy warm drinks like hot chocolate and apple cider.

Here in Canada, people decorate their houses with lots of lights and bake gingerbread houses. In South Africa people gather to sing Christmas carols and go to outdoor Christmas concerts.

Willem and Juan are excited to show their cousins where they live and to share their town and province with them. They will plan to take their cousins to Mount Washington to experience all the snow fun. This will include tobogganing, tubing, snowshoeing and just throwing snowballs together.

Another fun activity will be to build Frosty the snowman! Maybe they can all go skiing together. This is going to be the best Christmas ever, it will have so much laughter in it.

Most importantly they are happy to spend Christmas with their cousins, because it's always nicer to share the birth of Jesus with family and friends no matter where you live or come from.


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