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North Island-Powell River MP commends 2024 grads on milestone

“I hope you take what you’ve learned from the amazing people who supported you during your education and carry it forward.” ~ Rachel Blaney

To the graduating class of 2024, I offer you all my sincere congratulations. As you enter this new chapter in your lives, you should be immensely proud of all that you have accomplished, and I hope you take a moment to reflect on how far you have come.

During your time in school, you have overcome challenges, gained knowledge, skills and friendships, and possibly discovered what you are passionate about. If not, you will in time.

You have shown that you have the ability to succeed after high school through your dedication and sensibility. I hope you take what you’ve learned from the amazing people who supported you during your education and carry it forward.

Relish this time and be excited about your futures. As you move forward in your lives and begin to navigate the road ahead, I have no doubt you will continue to shine bright and that you will cultivate the future you choose.

Congratulations once again. There is a lot of uncertainty in the world; as you face this, think of the words of the first woman member of parliament in Canada, Agnes Macphail: "Never apologize. Never explain. Just get the thing done and let them howl.”

~ Rachel Blaney, MP, North Island-Powell River

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