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Editorial: Switching seasons

Don’t put the swimsuits away just yet
Powell River Kings forward Thomas Belzil (11) steps in to check an Alberni Valley Bulldogs opponent during a BC Hockey League preseason game at Hap Parker Arena on September 7.

It’s official, the warm season is coming to an end. The recent dip in temperature also indicates fall is fast approaching, even as local residents cling to the last remnants of summer.

As far as the calendar is concerned, summer continues for another 10 days, so don’t put the swimsuits away just yet. An opportunity for another dip in a lake or the ocean may present itself for the average swimmer (we know every day can be a swim day for those bold enough).

If cooler days aren’t enough of an indication that summer is fading away, two fall/winter sports returned to Hap Parker Arena and Timberlane Park last weekend. Powell River Kings played two preseason BCHL hockey games and Powell River Villa took to the field for match day one of the Vancouver Island Soccer League regular season. Both offences were “cold,” with neither team scoring a goal, which matches what’s to come weather-wise.

But fear not, sports fans, goals will come as early season jitters wear off. Let’s hope the players manage to get “hot” on the playing surface as the thermometer continues it descent.

With the sun-filled days of July and, for the most part, August, still fresh in mind, the desire to hold onto a time of festivals, barbecues and other outdoor activities is understandable, except for those who’ve had enough sun and crave overcast skies and cooler weather. Therein lies the bright side. For those who hide from the sun all summer or pay for air conditioning, a reprieve is on the way.

Be careful what you wish for, though. Spring is a long way off.

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