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Kicking the Clutter: Achieve a peaceful and purposeful life

"We all dream of living a great life, but many people don’t know how..."

Is your life filled with struggle, frustration and uncertainty? Do you wake up every day feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled?

If you crave a peaceful and purposeful life but are not getting the desired results, your focus could be on the wrong things.

We all dream of living a great life, but many people don’t know how to achieve it. They rely on their families for guidance. But there are times when the whole family struggles being able to help each other.

Assess expectations
It is natural for anyone to feel frustrated and disappointed when something doesn’t turn out as expected. If you want to live a peaceful life, make sure your expectations are realistic.

Lower your expectations and let go of the desire to control everything around you. When you stop calculating every possibility, your life will become more peaceful and purposeful.

Don’t fail yourself
From the day we are born, we are taught to follow instructions written by our parents and society. Go to school, get a job, find a life partner and make every minute count.

Your life becomes predictable, yet you feel empty and unsatisfied. You become so focused on pursuing the obligations to others that you forget what you want.

Take a good look at your life. Are you on the path set by you or others? Your decision will bring you closer to your goal, giving you more confidence and happiness.

Practice patience
We are comfortable with a particular way of living, and many of us are not tolerant of the changes around us. However, to lead a peaceful life, you need to expand your horizons and become receptive to the ever-changing world.

Accepting diversity is the first step to feeling connected and content. You will feel a considerable difference once you start respecting other people's beliefs and opinions. This path can give you more fulfillment and inner serenity for the rest of your life.

Avoid controlling others
All of us want to have control over our lives, but sometimes we extend this control to the people surrounding us. The usual target is our family members, and that’s where the trouble begins.

If you want to live a peaceful life, it is important to stop controlling others and have harmony in all your relationships. Imposing your will on someone and taking control over relationships can create clashes and drip all the happiness from your life.

Accept the people who are in your life and embrace their imperfections instead of trying to change them. Be a kindhearted listener and you’ll be on your way to a happier and more rewarding life.

Prepare to forgive
You can spend your whole life rehearsing the hurt by others. If you are always brooding on past negative experiences, you will never find true peace.

For a peaceful life, it is important to practice forgiveness for others and yourself. Don’t think of the past as being all negative experiences; maybe your past made you kinder, stronger and wiser.

I will leave you with this quote by Epictetus: “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it matters.” 

Transformational life coach Ranka Burzan owns a professional organizing company in the qathet region and has written several books on reducing clutter. For more information, email [email protected] or call 604.578.8954.

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