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qathet runners conquer 50-kilometre challenge

Ean Jackson and Mark Grist among finishers at Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run

Running 50 kilometers is no small feat, especially on the rugged trails of the Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run (Knee Knacker) in Vancouver's North Shore mountains.

Known as one of North America's toughest 50-kilometre ultramarathons, this year's event witnessed remarkable achievements from qathet region residents Ean Jackson and Mark Grist.

Jackson made history by completing the event for an impressive 30th time, finishing in eight hours and 42 minutes. Following closely behind, Grist crossed the finish line for the 26th time, with a time of nine hours and one minute.

The Knee Knacker isn't just demanding in terms of endurance; it's also notoriously difficult to secure a spot at the starting line. With more applicants than the narrow, rocky Baden Powell Trail can accommodate, a yearly lottery selects 275 participants.

Starting near the Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal, runners ascend and descend approximately 5,000 metres before finishing in Deep Cove. To qualify, participants must complete the distance in under 10 hours.

"They say doing the same thing over and over again is the definition of insanity,” stated Grist, while reflecting on the challenge. “Nobody claims the Knee Knacker is easy, but that's not why we do it."

Grist, a member of the race's organizing society, noted that nearly two-thirds of this year's participants were first-time ultramarathoners.

In 2024, volunteers outnumbered runners, highlighting the community spirit of the event. City of Powell River's Sibylle Tinsel, a registered nurse, managed the main aid station at Cleveland Dam for the 20th time, and recalled the unusually hot conditions that slowed many runners.

"We handed out a lot of pickle juice," stated Tinsel, thankfully noting that "the worst injuries were cuts and scrapes."

Among other energetic qathet residents who have completed the Knee Knacker in previous years are Darbykai Standrick (first woman in 2018), Nicola Gildersleeve (first woman in 2008), along with Ken Legg, Tinsel, Peter Watson and Carrie Walsh.

The lottery for the 2025 race opens on December 15, 2024. More details can be found at

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