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Powell River Otago Rugby Club splits weekend matches

Team travels to Vancouver Island to play two first division clubs
STRONG SIDE: Otago Rugby Club, shown above in this summer’s 10-a-side tournament in Powell River, travelled to Vancouver Island on September 14 to play in a tune-up tournament against Comox and Port Alberni, winning the match against Comox and losing against Port Alberni.

Otago Rugby Club acquitted itself well in two tune-up rugby matches on Vancouver Island, splitting the games with a win and a loss.

Otago spokesman Jack Beardmore said the club travelled to Comox on September 14 for matches against first division teams Comox Kickers and Port Alberni Black Sheep.

“The two island teams start their regular season this coming week,” said Beardmore. “They wanted to get exhibition games in. They are both first division teams now.

“Port Alberni are perennial champions in the first division. They didn’t win the BC championship last year but they have won two of the first three BC championships in the first division.”

Beardmore said Comox, which has been a strong side in the third division, has moved up to first division this season.

“They wanted to get some playing time in before the season so they arranged a three-way tournament with us,” said Beardmore. “We went there thinking we were going to get our butts handed to us on a platter.”

The games were 15-a-side, but were 40-minute games instead of the regular 80-minute games.

Beardmore said the first game for Otago was against Comox and Otago won 5-0.

“The score was one try to zero,” said Beardmore. “I’ll admit they didn’t have their full best squad there but they are still a powerful club.

“We took it to them in the scrums and our backs played phenomenally. It was an all-round great game. It was back and forth and nobody dominated.”

Beardmore said in the last five or six minutes, Comox was pressing Otago’s try line like crazy trying to tie the game.

“In actual fact, they did cross our line but we held them up,” said Beardmore. In order for the try to count, the ball has to be placed on the ground in the end zone, and Comox was unable to do so.

“We wouldn’t let them get down,” said Beardmore. “We were awarded a five-metre scrum, we won that scrum and kicked the ball out of bounds and won the game.”

Beardmore said eighth man Josh Statham played a phenomenal game. He has come back to Otago this season, so that was his first 15s match since his return, after having played in this summer’s Otago 10-a-side tournament. Another impressive player was Jordan Hamilton, plus coach Geoff Matheson, at centre, who laid some dominating tackles, according to Beardmore.

“All round, it was a great effort by our boys,” said Beardmore.

With no turnaround time, because of having to catch a ferry, Otago immediately went up against Port Alberni. Beardmore said he knew Otago was not going to win that game.

“We went out and played what I thought was a really good first half,” said Beardmore. “They were up two trys at halftime – 12-0 at half. Our guys were holding their own, but in the second half, you could see we were tired, plus a couple of guys got banged up, so we had to borrow Comox players and put them in. The second half just got away from us.”

Port Alberni beat Otago 32-0. Beardmore said even at that, the Otago players did not give up and never showed any quit, right to the final whistle.

“Even being down, they wanted to get one try on the board,” said Beardmore. “We came close a couple of times.”

Beardmore said just to provide an idea of how good Port Alberni is, they beat Comox 48-0.

“They are an extremely well coached side and they play a very fast-paced game of rugby,” said Beardmore.

He said at half time of the second game, the BC Rugby Union Vancouver Island rep came and talked to him and he stated, after watching the first game and the first half of the Port Alberni match, that maybe Otago wasn’t a first division team, but was a high-level third division team.

“He was definitely impressed,” said Beardmore. “It’s coming along.”

Beardmore said the weekend matches were a great dress rehearsal for a 10-a-side tournament that will be taking place in Cowichan on Thanksgiving weekend.

“Our guys now are just pumped about that,” said Beardmore. “They want to get out and play some more rugby.”

In other rugby news, Beardmore said 14-year-old Winston Becker went to Vancouver Island to play under-16 rugby, scored two trys in the game, and was named man of the match.

“That’s the second time he’s gone,” said Beardmore. “Last year he was only 13 and he was man of the match in that game as well. We have an up-and-comer. He’s grown up in the rugby club and has been coming to training for five years. He’s only ever played with men, so there’s no intimidation when he gets out among other teens.”

For anyone interested in rugby, the team practises Thursdays at 5 pm at Cranberry Field. Beardmore said all are welcome and the team especially wants to attract more women.

“We really want to develop our women’s team,” said Beardmore. “The women will be coming to Cowichan with us and I’ve talked to some of the Comox women. We are going to try and make a team out of the two. We have four very good women players.”

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