The annual Steve Steele Charity Shield soccer match was played at Timberlane Park on Boxing Day, featuring Tla’amin Braves challenging a Stevie’s Steelers team composed of local players.
Steele, the game’s namesake, was involved in all aspects of soccer locally for many years, including as a player, coach and referee. After he died of cancer, the soccer community dedicated the event in recognition of his achievements. His wife, Delma, presented the plaque to Cecil Hackett of the Braves, who won by a score of 3-2.
After the match, Tony Leach, Duncan MacDougall and Todd Phillips each received a Lifetime Service Award for dedication and commitment to the game of soccer in the community. The event also served as a fundraiser for the Salvation Army and Powell River Action Centre Food Bank.
The first Steve Steele Charity Shield soccer match was played in 1994.
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