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Retired judge delivers report on legislature scandal

Retired Supreme Court justice Beverley McLachlin has completed her independent report into allegations of misconduct against two senior B.C. legislature officers.
Former chief justice of the Supreme Court of Canada Beverley McLachlin.

Retired Supreme Court justice Beverley McLachlin has completed her independent report into allegations of misconduct against two senior B.C. legislature officers.

In March, the legislature unanimously ratified McLachlin’s appointment to conduct an independent fact-finding investigation into misspending allegations against clerk Craig James and sergeant-at-arms Gary Lenz. The legislature’s most senior administrative officials have been suspended with pay since November, when they were marched out of the legislature amid an RCMP investigation and the appointment of two special prosecutors.

McLachlin’s report has been given to the house leaders, who will review it and receive legal advice before releasing it publicly. NDP house leader Mike Farnworth has said the report would be released to the public.

The report could help MLAs decide the fate of James and Lenz.

According to the terms of reference, McLachlin was tasked with reviewing a report by Speaker Darryl Plecas, written responses and legal submissions by Lenz and James, and the Speaker’s reply to those written responses.

Plecas’s report alleges “flagrant overspending” by James and Lenz, accusing them of taking lavish, taxpayer-funded trips overseas, siphoning off of alcohol and billing the public for high-end suits, cufflinks and other personal expenses.

McLachlin was to consider whether James and Lenz improperly and knowingly received payouts of vacation pay, improperly claimed and received retirement allowances, and expensed personal items to the legislature.

She was also to look into whether Lenz and James improperly removed legislature assets and property, or improperly used legislature property “beyond an incidental or reasonable work-related purpose.”

Lenz and James deny any wrongdoing and have said the Speaker’s allegations have harmed their reputations.