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Remuneration report to go before qathet Regional District board

Meeting and wage loss payments will be rolled into base stipend
qathet Regional District

qathet Regional District board will be considering modifications to directors’ remuneration.

At the Thursday, December 12, committee of the whole meeting, directors voted to endorse sending proposed changes to directors’ remuneration to the regional board.

The regional district had hired consultants Dugal Smith and Associates to conduct a review of director remuneration.

According to a report from Smith, 50 per cent of qathet directors’ base remuneration is paid in additional meeting and wage loss allowances each year. The additional meeting and wage loss payments create significant paperwork for both directors and regional district staff.

Smith’s recommendation, to streamline the administrative work, is to incorporate meeting and wage loss allowances into base remuneration.

There was also the recommendation that the regional district forego the consumer price index increase in 2020 in light of integration of meeting allowances and base remuneration and the expected increase in 2019 remuneration.

Smith further recommended that the regional district update directors’ remuneration annually using the BC consumer price index.

Under the recommendations from Smith, starting January 1, 2020, the board chair would have remuneration of $35,721; electoral area B and C directors would be $21,286; Area D, $23,296; Area E, $24,612; and municipal directors, $15,555.

Smith’s reported stated that with remuneration increases projected for 2019 and qathet’s alignment with other regional districts, no increase in overall remuneration appears necessary for 2020.