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qathet Regional District briefs

Approves Tourism Powell River agreement; Pauses Lund Waterworks District conversion; Supports Scotch Fir Road subdivision

Money approved
At the September 25 regional board meeting, directors approved that an agreement with Tourism Powell River be renewed for a further three-year term to provide the organization with $16,000 of annual funding toward core operating expenses.

Pausing conversion
The regional district board is pausing conversion of Lund Waterworks District to regional district control. Staff will be directed to approach the ministry of municipal affairs and the waterworks district to promote the hiring of a qualified professional to immediately assess the Thulin Dam, and also approach the ministry about grant funding to repair or replace the dam.

Staff will also be directed to immediately reply to the disaster resilience innovation funding program through the Lund receiver, and any other grant opportunities that currently exist or develop in the future, for the repair or replacement of the dam.

Finally, staff will be directed to approach Tla’amin Nation to inform it of the situation and discuss scenarios that could potentially involve partnering with them for the purpose of delivering potable water to Lund.

Supports subdivision
The regional district will advise the ministry of transportation and infrastructure that it supports a proposed three-lot subdivision application on a property located at 12341A Scotch Fir Road, with proof of water and septic servicing that meets provincial standards. The property owner must also successfully apply for an official community plan amendment to allow a smaller parcel size and higher recommended density. The property owner must also contract a geotechnical engineer to complete a slope hazard assessment and recommend safe setbacks, building sites and development practices to mitigate risk. Areas identified as potential slope or flood hazard must be restricted.

Serves notice
At the September 25 committee of the whole meeting, Electoral Area D (Texada) director Sandy McCormick served notice of motion that the committee recommends to the board that the board direct staff to apply to BC Hydro for installation of fast electric vehicle chargers on Texada Island.

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