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Powell River school receiving electric vehicle planning funds

Assumption School provided federal grant for school bus project
REDUCING FOOTPRINT: Assumption School has received a federal grant to support a planning project that will assess the feasibility of converting the schools diesel transportation to a zero-emission electric school bus.

Assumption School is receiving $19,360 from the federal zero emission transit fund to plan for the conversion to an electric school bus. The school is contributing $4,840 toward the planning process.

According to a media release from Infrastructure Canada, this investment will support a planning project that will assess the feasibility of converting Assumption School’s diesel transportation to a zero-emission electric school bus, implementing vehicle charging infrastructure, and developing a procurement strategy for the school. The goal is to produce a blueprint for greener, healthier transit to transport students to and from school and support travel for school-related excursions, the release stated.

"Assumption School is excited to have received a contribution for our electric bus planning project,” stated Assumption School principal Lisa Berg. “The government grant to fund the planning project is a solid step towards reducing our school's carbon footprint. Switching to an electric bus will allow us to create a healthier community and to care for the earth in the way the people of the ɬaʔamɩn [Tla’amin] Nation have done for time immemorial.

“We look forward to continuing the planning process so our students can see that our everyday choices can have a big impact on our environment. Thank you to all those within our community who have been praying for the success of this project."

The release stated that the federal investment will help Assumption School contribute to Canada’s objective of reaching net-zero by 2050 by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and providing comfortable, clean transit to students.

“Investing in zero emission transit infrastructure is essential for building strong, resilient communities,” stated Harjit Sajjan, minister of international development and minister responsible for the Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada. “Our government is proud to work with Assumption School to help transition their school bus fleet to a battery electric school bus. Projects like this one not only bring us closer to meeting our net-zero emissions goal by 2050, but they also create models for how the next generation can participate in and create a healthier, sustainable future.”

As an independent school, Assumption serves qathet region, including City of Powell River and Tla'amin Nation. Assumption has students from pre-kindergarten to grade nine.