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Council honours retiring city clerk

Councillors say goodbye to Marie Claxton Star Wars-style
Marie Claxton
SHOES BIG: City of Powell River council provided clerk and deputy chief administration officer Marie Claxton a memorable retirement, with a t-shirt and a Yoda doll. Contributed photo

Some people are given the standard watch or golden handshake when they retire, while others are treated to something a little more special.

City of Powell River’s clerk and deputy chief administrative officer (CAO) Marie Claxton retired this week, but for her final committee of the whole meeting on Tuesday, May 31, council went out of its way to put a personal touch on wishing her well.

Council arrived wearing black t-shirts with a white image of Star Wars character Yoda on them with the phrase, “What I think what I’m hearing is…”

Councillor Russell Brewer, speaking for council, stood to address the gallery and explained they wanted to take a minute before the meeting to acknowledge Claxton and her years of service.

Brewer said Claxton had been given the nickname Yoda several years ago.

“You all know Yoda from Star Wars; wise, all-knowing and counsels everyone. That is kind of how we perceive Madame Clerk,” said Brewer. He explained that Claxton would say, “What I think what I’m hearing is…” whenever she was trying to help council channel its ideas into direction for staff. “It was always bang on,” he said.

As he pulled out a large Yoda doll from under the table where he sits, Brewer said they did not want to just send her off with a t-shirt. Hanging around the doll’s neck was a card with what Brewer said was Yoda’s story. “We may have modified it somewhat though,” he added.

Claxton smiled and laughed throughout Brewer’s presentation.

He read the card for the gallery: “Yoda was a legendary city clerk and smarter than most in her connection with the charter. Small in size, but wise and powerful, she trained councils for 800 years and played an integral role in Union of BC Municipalities wars, the instruction of naive councillors and unlocking the path to re-election. In the later days of the old corporation, Yoda served as grand master of senior management.”

Claxton gave Brewer a hug and said her grandsons, who are “Star Wars freaks,” were going to be jealous. “I have this and they don’t,” she said.

“It’s been a joy; thank you,” said Claxton.

After the meeting, city CAO Mac Fraser said Claxton has been an important leader at city hall.

“Marie has been an integral part of the operation of this city for a number of years and as deputy CAO she has been absolutely invaluable to me, but her legacy she can be most proud of is the state of this organization she is leaving behind,” said Fraser. “It’s very strong because of her. I think she knows it, but all the staff of the municipality would be unanimous in saying that Marie has made this a better workplace through her work and is leaving us to an exciting retirement at the top of her game.”