Eighteen candidates have entered the race to fill six City of Powell River Council seats. The Peak asked each candidate the following question:
Why should voters choose you to be a City of Powell River councillor?
Here is the response from Jen Zacher:
My street address includes a nine. While researching numbers to put on my mailbox, I discovered the nine cost more than the six. I bought the 6 and turned it upside down.
This says a lot about how I think. I find creative, practical and affordable solutions. I’d love to put these skills to work for you as a councillor.
Vote for me because I’m passionate about creating a healthy community, and I have the skills to do the job. I’m a hardworking progressive dedicated to maximizing value for your tax dollars.
I’ve worked as a provincial government analyst for 20 years in poverty reduction. I consult with people, listen carefully and build partnerships – key skills for a councillor.
When conflict arises, I don’t cancel people. I put myself in their shoes. I find common ground and work together to find solutions.
I’ll work for more affordable housing, a diverse tax base and health-centered approaches to reduce poverty (mental health and substance use supports). Relations with Tla’amin Nation will be a priority, including continuing the name change conversation.
I’m your top choice at the bottom of the ballot. Vote Zacher October 5, 8, 12 or 15.
General election day is October 15. Read all Peak election coverage at prpeak.com/2022-civic-election.