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Capital plans under discussion

Regional districts rural services budget outlines priorities

Powell River Regional District’s financial planning for 2015 and beyond is taking shape.

During a recent regional district committee of the whole meeting, Linda Greenan, manager of financial services, outlined the 2015-2019 preliminary financial plans for regional services. She said many of the plans are preliminary because information is still coming in, capital work is still to be decided and 2014 actuals and surpluses are not certain.

Greenan said the preliminary capital plan for regional services includes a lot of carryovers from the previous year, such as the Gillies Bay bike path.

At Shelter Point Park on Texada Island, there was some discussion about a security measure being contemplated. This would involve the installation of metal protrusions referred to as tiger teeth at the front entrance to help with security.

Stan Gisborne, Electoral Area B director, asked if running over the tiger teeth would result in flat tires. The answer was yes.

Al Radke, the regional district’s chief administrative officer, said tiger teeth permit people to exit, but not to enter. The security mechanism would be used for after-hours departures.

“The reason we are going this route is to avoid any potential labour concerns with overtime rates and other allocations for caretakers being on call or on duty past their bed hours,” Radke said. “People can leave when they want. The board does not have to negotiate overtime or on-call rates.”

The cost is budgeted at $12,000. There was concern voiced in the meeting that the installation would create opposition.

Greenan said there has also been a call for electrical services for some of the front-row sites at the park at a cost of nearly $24,000. The money would come from the Shelter Point Regional Park budget. The camping fee at the hookup sites would come with a higher cost to cover electrical consumption.

At Haywire Bay, there are more renovations to the residence required, totalling $20,000. Greenan said the work was scheduled for 2014 but wasn’t completed. There will also be construction of six new campsites, addition of playground equipment, and an outhouse.

At Palm Beach Park, the swing set will be replaced, at a cost of $4,000, plus there is an allocation to possibly resurface the tennis courts, but costs need to be assessed, as well as determination of whether grants are available.

At Craig Park, there is $25,000 in the budget to replace a wooden play structure that is in disrepair.

At the Powell River Cemetery and Woodland Cemetery on Texada, $68,000 has been set aside for a development plan.

In regional emergency preparedness, there is $50,000 in the budget for a mobile generator and trailer.

As detailed in a story in the Peak, January 21, “A lot of the budget is to fund the electrical upgrades that would need to happen to put that generator in place,” Greenan said.