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Being a safe community has advantages

Province may institute user pay for major crime

Payment for major crime investigations is something the province could force upon municipalities.

Fortunately, Powell River doesn’t have much major crime, and if it happens, there has been support from Vancouver Island RCMP services.

At the Thursday, January 15, City of Powell River committee of the whole meeting, Mac Fraser, chief administrative officer (CAO), said local governments, through the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), were asking the province for funds to be disbursed locally for major crime investigations.

“We have an answer from the province by way of directive last November,” Fraser said. “The legislature enacted the ability for one of their ministers to create a regional, integrated police force of various types, one of which includes major crime. Sadly, what came with it is the legislative authority for the minister to demand participation and payment solely by local governments.”

Fraser said there is the ability for the minister to create an integrated police force and compel municipal participation. He said, however, the expectation is that it will not be instituted here.

“There is no money coming on major crime and if pursued, the answer from the province will be whether the minister is being asked to create an integrated police service, and are they willing to pay because there is no extra money.”

Fraser said it would be 100 per cent user pay.

“If I can editorialize, it’s hugely parochial,” he said. “If you want it, they can compel you to pay for it completely, even though there are provincial tax revenues allocated in the attorney general’s ministry that might be available.”

Fraser said Powell River is in a good situation now where the head of the local RCMP detachment has access to major crime investigators by way of the existing arrangement with the RCMP district.

“One would think that if major crime greatly increases it would be too much demand on existing resources. However, we are a safe community. We do not have much major crime and our existing contract and arrangement with the RCMP handles that when it infrequently comes up.”