The annual Steve Steele Memorial Boxing Day soccer match brought out hundreds of fans to Timberlane Park on December 26, 2024, to cheer on the talented Tla’amin Braves and Stevie’s Steelers teams.
Longtime soccer player and coach Dave McMaster said the weather was surprisingly good and the game was close.
"The Tla'amin Braves edged out the Steelers 3-2 in a friendly match on Boxing Day," said McMaster.
The game raised funds for two qathet region charities: the Salvation Army and Powell River Action Centre Food Bank.
"Each charity received $1,174," said McMaster. "Much appreciation goes out to the players, fans and donors for making the annual event a success."
McMaster said that this year, Tony Leach, Todd Phillips, Duncan MacDougall and the Senior Women’s League were acknowledged at the game for all the efforts they have made toward the promotion of soccer in the community.
Two players of note who participated in the charity game were Steelers’ captain Val Harding and Russell Pielle of the Braves, who was named most valuable player.
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