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Kicking the Clutter: Small steps lead to rewarding life

Stop waiting for big things to happen; life is built with little daily experiences.

The English language is not easy to learn. But I want to be a writer. Is that even possible for somebody like me? My friends encouraged me to start.

My excuses were endless and reliable. Then, I finally blurted out my reasons for avoiding writing. “English is my second language. Therefore, I can never be a writer,” I said.

The fear was real and overwhelming. “English will always be your second language, so you better get going,” an outspoken friend replied. So, I did.

Taking classes in creative writing was a big help. I started with a couple of sentences a day. It gave me the confidence to share my thoughts and passion.

If you believe, you can achieve. So, take baby steps to build the life you desire.

Here are 10 tried and true tips that might help you to start. If something feels too big and overpowering, don’t try to do or learn everything. Just begin with a couple of steady steps.

Tip one: Write one sentence per day, then two per day. You might have a page or two at the end of the week. Every famous author started small.

Tip two: Swap your morning internet scroll for a refreshing walk around your neighbourhood. One of my neighbours walks 12 times around our building, rain or shine.

Tip three: Take 30 minutes at night to read a book. Powell River Public Library has an excellent selection on every subject. Consider reading a biography by a famous person. You would be surprised to learn what they went through to achieve their success.

Tip four: Listen to a song that energizes you. Music is a great motivator and healer.

Tip five: Change your phone’s lock screen to a quote that inspires you. Here’s one from author Zig Ziglar: “There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.”

Tip six: Have a notebook on your night table to jot down quick thoughts. The world’s best inventions were probably started in the middle of the night.

Tip seven: Put one thing away where it belongs every time you leave a room. Building healthy habits is worth it.

Tip eight: Be grateful to the person/people who helped you in your life. In return, you can help somebody else. These small practices tend to create a healthy and prosperous family and community.

Tip nine: Start every day with a to-do list of five-minute tasks. If you ignore small chores, it is likely you will never touch the big stuff.

Tip 10: Be dedicated to your life every day. Stop waiting for big things to happen; life is built with little daily experiences.

Don’t ignore small victories. Sometimes, all it takes is one small change to achieve a different life. Celebrate your success with family and friends. I wish you the best in living the life you desire.

Transformational life coach Ranka Burzan owns a professional organizing company in the qathet region and has written several books on reducing clutter. For more information, email [email protected].

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