Many of us become annoyed with our unhealthy habits that never work, yet we persistently use them like they do.
You plan a day to organize a space that drives you crazy. You buy containers, bags and bins to start the decluttering project. You’re enthusiastic, ready to spend an entire weekend decluttering, and happens.
Things start piling up again a few days later and you wonder why it never seems to stick. Does that sound familiar?
You’re not alone. The trick isn’t in some miraculous system; it’s in habits that work for you, not against you.
Find a simple system to make your home more enjoyable and daily life easier. The systems you create should fit into your natural routine. Avoid those that require a lot of extra effort. You can create a lovely home by focusing on function, not form.
All or nothing ia a common and distorted way of thinking. It divides life experiences into categories of either “black or white” and/or “right or wrong.” This kind of thinking is a pattern of inaccurate and damaging thoughts.
Before being aware of my deceptive way of thinking, my life was in constant chaos. I wasted hours and days waiting for the perfect time to finish everything on my long to-do list. The vicious cycle continued for many years, keeping me stuck and unhappy.
My misleading way of thinking was related to perfectionism and fear of not being good enough. Of course, there are so many other reasons why some of our habits are not working for us.
Spend some time exploring an easier way to incorporate new habits to improve the function of your home and life by matching new habits with old ones.
The easiest way to build lasting habits is by attaching them to things you already do. For example, every morning after I brush my teeth, I do a quick wipe-down of the bathroom counter. I’m prepared with a clean microfibre ready to be used.
When I get my mail, I immediately recycle the junk mail outside. There is no need for it to enter my home and no thinking is required.
Don’t let a bad day disrupt you. Let’s face it, some days are just not as productive and enjoyable as others. Sometimes you are not feeling well and your enthusiasm leaves the building. When this happens, the routine is interrupted. You might feel disappointed in yourself for abandoning an important project.
But, instead of giving up completely, remind yourself that missing a day is not a failure. The trick is to just pick up where you left off; no guilt necessary.
Making changes in your home and life can be physically and emotionally hard. You must take care of yourself. Implementing a healthy diet and a good night's sleep will keep you energized and focused.
Organized living isn’t about being perfect, it’s about finding what works for you and your family.
I like this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.”
Transformational life coach Ranka Burzan owns a professional organizing company in the qathet region and has written several books on reducing clutter. For more information, email [email protected].
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