It all started with the movie Ratatouille.
One night while stuck in lockdown and going a little stir-crazy, Noelle and Dashiel Moon, Dash for short, were watching the 2007 animated film about a rat that dreams of being a chef in a fancy French restaurant. Suddenly, perhaps inspired by the romance and glamour of Paris, Dash proposed to his longtime girlfriend.
“He proposed to me right on the couch,” recalled Noelle.
Dash’s spontaneity was perfect for her though.
“I would have been embarrassed if it had been a big public thing,” she added.
What had brought them to this moment? They met in high school and were friends back then, but it wasn’t until two years after graduation that romance bloomed, thanks to a clever bit of matchmaking by a friend.
After being a couple for five years, both agreed it was the logical next step. Now they wanted that public ceremony to show their love and demonstrate their commitment to one another.
The importance of marriage and its rewards had been demonstrated to them by their respective parents.
“My parents were such an example to me,” said Noelle, “If you really love someone, you want to work for it. It gives me hope the way the world is, when you find true love, there’s something magical about that, and it's fun to throw a party.”
But, at the time, the couple were living in their hometown of Winnipeg during the COVID-19 lockdown. Nothing was happening. Marriage would have to wait. Yet they’d always known they would move out of Winnipeg someday.
Soon they had their eyes on the west coast and, when they were able, they moved to Powell River and settled in Westview. Now Dash works at 32 Lakes Coffee Roasters and Noelle works at Townsite Fruit and Veg, while both pursue artistic interests. Noelle is a painter and musician while Dash’s preferred mediums are watercolour, acrylic and crochet.
It wasn’t until Noelle chanced upon the perfect dress in the window of the hospital auxiliary shop that they knew it was time. They set the date for August, 2024, and chose Gathered Farm on Zilinsky Road as their wedding venue.
While working at 32 Lakes, Dash connected with the owners, who supply produce to the cafe.
“We asked them if they were up to it,” said Noelle.
Gathered Farm was just then getting into putting on events and weddings on their property and said yes.
Nature is important to Noelle and Dash, and it was integral for the ceremony to reflect that.
“We always knew we wanted to do it on a farm, somewhere outdoors,” explained Dash.
They wanted to incorporate elements of earth and water as much as they could, so having the ceremony on a farm made more sense rather than a typical hall. At Gathered Farm, they found a grove with a giant cedar tree, which proved to be the focal point of inspiration for the ceremony.
So with the venue picked and the date set, plans were made and invitations sent out. But as the wedding day approached, the couple became a little worried. Even though it was August, it was raining heavily leading up to their planned date; a little bit of panic ensued.
Coins, along with a wish or two hoping for the best, were thrown into a fountain. Sure enough, on the day of the ceremony, the sun came out and a golden light shone down on the couple. It was a simple ceremony with about 35 close friends and family attending.
“We wanted something short and sweet,” said Dash.
A willow archway was built for the procession and the trees were adorned with lights and decorations. Gathered Farm took care of almost everything.
“A one-and-done kind of place,” added Dash about the venue. Gathered Farm supplied the flowers and catered the food, all locally made and sourced. As Noelle put it, they just nailed it, including the midnight pizza made for the hungry newlyweds.
Inspired by the grandeur and epic feel of the cinematic versions of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, the couple drank from a golden chalice full of rose petals and water blessed by the moon. Jane, a longtime friend from Toronto - and the pivotal matchmaker - attended and served as the officiant. She read a short piece, inspired by the glory of nature, based on an idea provided by Noelle.
“She is the best person I know with words,” explained Noelle, “and it made sense since she knew us.”
For Noelle and Dash, the wedding also served as a reunion of the family from both sides, as both sets of parents journeyed to the coast to witness the union.
Before and after the wedding, the couple relaxed in an off-the-grid Airbnb in Lund.
“That was amazing; just having a little offline time before and after was awesome,” said Dash.
The final romantic touch to crown it all was Noelle and Dash adopting the new surname of Moon.
As for the future, they would love to go on a honeymoon. At first they were thinking of something tropical, such as Mexico, and heading to sunny beaches, but a trip to Scotland and Ireland may also be in the cards, as they wish to explore a bit of their Celtic roots. They also want to find a house with land and start a farm of their own, maybe with some chickens. And kids?
“Well, you never know!”
When it comes to advice for other couples, Noelle and Dash have a few ideas, including to wait for the right time after engagement.
“We wanted to make sure the world was going to allow us,” said Noelle, referring to the lockdown. “Find your tribe. Find and surround yourself with people who love and support you. Explore things a bit more and wait until you come into yourselves a bit more.
“Don’t cave into what people want. Do what you want. Make sure to have no regrets. And honestly, if you can, get somebody to plan the whole thing.”
The couple had some final words for anyone planning a wedding: “Reach out to your community, because people have skills. People can support and uplift you.”
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