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Kicking the Clutter: How to accept your life reality

Some of us are forever waiting for a better life

Many people, myself included, have a challenge facing the reality of the life they live. We tend to hold to the truth created by negative experiences such as regret, disappointments and past failures. 

Some of us are forever waiting for a better life. It could be when kids start school, go to college, or when we retire. Failing to connect with reality is why some of us are addicted to suffering and blaming.

Giving up the fabricated version of your life and learning to accept yourself is the first step in recovery and hope for a better future.

Here are six ways to cope with reality you don't like and how you can change it into a reality you desire:

Appreciate yourself

Appreciate your ability to unconditionally embrace who you are. For most of us, self-acceptance can be difficult. We tend to judge ourselves, ignoring our good traits and focusing on the negative ones.

There are many methods to learn to accept yourself and your life. The first step is believing that you deserve a better life.

Acknowledge your reality

When we finally are ready for the reality check, our lives become tough and overwhelming. A better life is possible if you go slow with some patience and support. Understanding, accepting and working with reality can lead us to the life, we desire.

Acknowledging your reality will help you to overcome the challenges and choose a better path for your future. And of course, honesty is the best policy.

Recognize your role

When you are ready to fully accept your reality, it's important to acknowledge the role you have played in a difficult situation you are in. Blaming others for your unfortunate situation can and will prolong the difficulties you are in. Once you know what you are dealing with, you can work toward the best possible solution.

Remember, you can't fix anything until you admit there is a problem. Try to view your mistakes not as failures, but as learning opportunities. Decide what's important to you and set your mind to fixing it.

Accept consequences

Work toward owning every part of your reality, including your strengths and successes. Owning all your outcomes can empower you to tackle any project that requires dedication and perseverance.

Don’t minimize strengths

When we look in the mirror, many of us search for weaknesses or physical features we don’t like. But to face your reality, it's best to start counting your positive traits. Make a list of your assets. This will help you to build on your success and accept your letdowns.

Acknowledge life struggles

Don't shy away from challenges, but rather step into it and get comfortable with it. Some life challenges can become blessings in your life.

Make a plan for reaching your goals. Include steps you will take to create a new reality. Break your goal into small steps that you can tackle one at a time to build your confidence. It takes time, patience and perseverance to create a new life.

Life coach Ranka Burzan owns a professional organizing company based in the qathet region and has written several books on reducing clutter and becoming more organized. For information, go to

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