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Holiday season stories from qathet School District: Grade four

Christmas Eve; The Arctic Express; The Christmas Crash

Christmas Eve
Lilly Dickson, Grade four, Kelly Creek Community School

It was a snowy Christmas Eve, and a new baby was born. It was the best Christmas Eve ever.

A little girl ran down the stairs and screamed, "tomorrow is Christmas."

"Shh, the baby is sleeping, how about you go outside and build a snowman?" the mom said.

"Okay mom.”

“And bring the dog with you."

The next day was Christmas Day. The little girl woke up and screamed "it's Christmas!" She went down the stairs and saw the presents.

"Santa came!"

"Yes," said mom. "It's the baby's first Christmas."

"Can I open presents?"

"Yes, you can."

It was the best Christmas ever.

The end.


The Arctic Express
Keisake Takahasi, Grade four, Westview Elementary School

It was a cold and stormy night. To begin with, it was the middle of the night and an Arctic Express came out of nowhere.

The clever elf said, “Are you coming on or what?”

Lucas said, “Yes!”

Then they hopped on the train and started their journey to the North Pole. Lucas asked the clever elf, “Where are we going?”

The clever elf said, “The North Pole.”

Lucas asked Noah if we're actually going to the North Pole. Noah said, “We are going to the North Pole.

The clever elf asked, “Are you kids thirsty?”

They said, “Yes.”

The clever elf brought hot chocolate to the kids but the Arctic Express stopped moving, then the clever elf said, “I'm going to need a little help.”

The kids asked “What?”

“The engine isn't working, so can you kids find the funny kangaroo that messed with the engine?”


Twenty minutes later, Austin jumped on the funny kangaroo then yelled, “Why did you mess with the engine?”

Then the funny kangaroo fixed it, then they continued their journey. One hour later they finally made it to the North Pole.

Santa gave Noah a bell that only him, the elves, reindeers and Santa can hear. They went back safely.

The end.  


The Christmas Crash
By Lucian Lawrence, Grade four Texada Elementary School

It was three days before Christmas. Tim, a six-year-old, and Jake, a 13-year-old, were watching the news.

(Santa has crashed in a forest somewhere, it is very bad)

So they pretended to be asleep but when the coast was clear they jumped out the window. It was cold out and they were in their pajamas. They were going but ran into some trouble on the way. (Hey, you twit, get out of here, are you looking for Santa? Scram)

Tim and Jake jumped away from him and ran to the forest. They heard on the news that Santa crashed into the forest. They made it to the forest and found Santa in a tree and the tree fell and Santa jumped into a pile of snow.

Tim and Jake helped Santa fix the sled and are permanently on the nice list.

The end.

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