Money recently donated by the Powell River Professional Fire Fighters Charitable Society to the Bruce Denniston Bone Marrow Society will go towards further upgrades at the Powell River General Hospital oncology room.
Through fundraising events such as car washes the fire fighters society, formerly named Link for Life, raised $1,000 to go towards the upgrades. Fire fighter and society president Bill Grantham presented Denniston society president Garry Anderson with a cheque last week, just as the next stage of upgrades to the oncology room are set to begin.
The society has been contributing funds and doing the legwork to make the oncology room more comfortable for both patients receiving treatment for cancer and health professionals. New chairs were donated to the room last year and now work is set to begin to replace cabinetry.
The project is expected to cost about $50,000 in total and the society has currently raised about $35,000. It is getting as much done with what money it already has and is looking for ways to make up the difference to finish the project.
“We want to…facilitate the nurses in having the best experience for the patients as we can,” said Anderson.
The fire fighters charitable society is considering other local charities or societies to help out with future fundraising. Any organizations interested in working with the society should contact Bill Grantham at [email protected].