Local government services
As of 8 a.m. on Wednesday Feb. 5. the SCRD reports Sunshine Coast Transit is running a limited service. Route 1 / 90 servicing the highway. Limited service on Route 2. Info / updates can be found here: https://alerts.bctransit.com/sunshine-coast/
All regional rec centres are to open today with the SCRD requesting that the community take care when accessing those locations as some parking lots have not been fully plowed.
Sechelt landfill is open but Pender Harbour Transfer Station is closed today. Curbside collection will take place today. Some side roads may be inaccessible so stay tuned to www.scrd.ca for updates on missed collections.
The SCRD's main Field Road office in Sechelt is open.
In Sechelt, that municipality reports that due to snow accumulation, waste collection is cancelled this week, and is slated to resume Feb. 10-14. All three carts (garbage, recycling and organics) will be collected during the next week.
No weather related service impacts have been posted on the Town of Gibsons website.
School District #46 reports the following schools are CLOSED for staff and students today:
- Halfmoon Bay Elementary
- Madeira Park Elementary
- Pender Harbour Elementary/Secondary
All other schools are OPEN and welcoming students.
Snow likely to remain with us
Both Weatherhood and Environment Canada have daytime high temperatures near zero for the coming days for lower Sunshine Coast areas. Overnight lows are slated to dip to as low as - 7 degrees up to Friday of this week.
If there is snow on the ground in your neighbourhood, it is likely going to stay put for the coming days.
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Editor's note: This story is updated daily with current weather forecasts and conditions.