With the relaunch of an updated and improved website with a fresh, new look, Peak Publishing has added to its digital reach and enhanced options for its online audience.
“We’ve relaunched our website with a new platform and a product that compliments our print publications,” says publisher/
editor Jason Schreurs. “The website is completely self-contained; it’s not just an online version of the paper.”
Unlike the previous version, the revamped website at prpeak.com is optimized for mobile visitors, whether they connect via smart phone or tablet, allowing for the same experience computer users enjoy.
“Nearly 50 per cent of our online traffic comes from mobile devices,” says Jason. “Anyone looking at the website while on the ferry, in a coffee shop or on vacation is going to have a user-friendly experience.”
Regardless of screen size, brand of device or browser used, the website will automatically optimize for each visitor.
“Our previous website served us well for many years, but this new platform is far superior,” says Jason. “This is a big step for us.”
In addition to its website, Peak Publishing engages the community online throughout social media platforms, including fb.com/PowellRiverPeak, twitter.com/Peak_Aboo and instagram.com/prpeak. Each can be found through links on the website or individually at each platform.
“If people want to be on the pulse of Powell River, and totally connected, they should check them all out,” says creative services director Kelly Davies. “What’s on our Instagram might not be what’s in the paper, on Facebook or Twitter, or the website; everything has different content.”
Transitioning from old to new can be a lengthy, time-consuming process. While new, up-to-date content is added to the website on a regular basis, restoring 10 years worth of archives from the previous website requires two to three more months before completion.
“We’ve had a lot of feedback about the archives; they are slowly coming back,” says Kelly.
Jason adds that Peak Publishing staff spent a lot of time deciding on what to include on the new site; features from the old site and brand-new features have been incorporated into the redesign.
“A lot of thought went into how to make it a better experience for our online readers,” says Jason.
Since the relaunch on February 15, results have indicated a steady increase in visitors to the website.
“We have a strong audience, more than 100,000 page views per month on average.” says Kelly. “We’re already finding that people are spending a lot more time on the site.”
In addition to print-edition options, such as letters to the editor, Viewpoint submissions and Speak to the Peak, where readers are able to share their opinions on Powell River stories and events in the newspaper, the website features a comment forum that provides visitors with an additional area to share their thoughts digitally.
“Popular features like the Peak poll are back as well, and we have photo galleries and video content,” says Kelly.
Five separate advertising opportunities are available on each page of the website for businesses, organizations or individuals to choose from. Main pages include news, opinion, community, culture, business and sports.
“Rich media allows totally different ads on our website,” says sales manager Debbie Galinski. “Marketplace has the same ads as our print products. We can tailor an effective advertising message for both print and online within any budget.”
Debbie and sales and marketing consultants Dot Campbell and Cindy Bavin are available to provide information and answer questions about digital advertising.
At the top of each page, menus also direct visitors to classified and announcement ads and Marketplace, where print ads from the Peak and Weekend Shopper are uploaded each week.
“We are thrilled with the website,” says Jason. “It looks amazing and the layout is easy to navigate.”
For more information about print and online advertising options, contact the Peak sales department at 604.485.5313.