The people of Powell River should vote for me if they decide that moderate growth benefiting the people who live here makes more sense than rapid population expansion, which will likely further burden the taxpayers.
Moving forward, we need to make sure that we maintain our infrastructure at reasonable levels and at a reasonable cost.
If we are going to provide sweetheart deals to foreign investors we should at least make a public offer to see what competing proposals might be as good or better for our entire community.
I am a candidate who has no personal agenda to fulfill. My only interest is in supporting our local culture and providing the residents of Powell River the opportunities and resources necessary to be successful in their chosen endeavours.
Whoever is elected to represent the people of Powell River for the next four years is going to have to work together in a deliberate and efficient manner. I am committed to this idea as well as to active citizen engagement and transparency in order to achieve our agreed upon goals as a council.
Most importantly, remember to exercise your democratic freedom and vote.