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Viewpoint: Property taxes subsidize moorage

I read that [marina moorage holders] would like free vehicle parking [“City reviews parking fees,” February 3]. The North Harbour was built by the city after passing referendum.

I read that [marina moorage holders] would like free vehicle parking [“City reviews parking fees,” February 3]. The North Harbour was built by the city after passing referendum. The referendum stated a loan would be taken and repaid with moorage fees at no cost to homeowners.

At a recent open house I asked how much moorage fees were generating toward the loan. I was told 30 per cent. So 70 per cent is being subsidized by property taxes. Yet, there are no guarantees that [moorage holders] even live in City of Powell River.

Now [moorage holders] want vehicle parking paid by city property owners. Their logic is private marinas give free parking, but private marinas do not have the city paying their bills. A solution could be to sell it to a private owner or raise moorage until it covers the true costs.

Another article of interest was that the city property owners pay city and regional taxes, yet council consistently matches regional district funding. They say if the regional district will pay we should give the equal amount, too. We already are, because we pay approximately half of the regional district tax base. It would be nice if the regional district matched city costs for services the city supplies and the regional district uses for free.

When I ask a question, I am told property tax increases are the only option council has. This is false. They can apply to the province for a local increase in gas or sales tax. I wonder if the library referendum would have passed so easily if everyone had to pay? Spending someone else’s cash is so much easier.

But, who am I to complain? I only get billed $440 a month in property tax, more than my mortgage when I bought the place. But I am in the city, so I get a gravel road leading to paved potholes, a septic tank to maintain and, depending on daily water volume, intermittent fire protection. Who needs basic services when I can subsidize a marina for someone who possibly does not live inside city limits?

Our council likes to blame local problems on BC Ferries, yet city taxes have risen faster than ferry fees. It is a good thing ferries offer better service because the only way I can pay my tax bill is by leaving town to get decent work.

Todd Phillips is an overtaxed and under-serviced Powell River resident.