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Viewpoint: Connecting to change

We are all aware that everything we do causes a reaction. We take a step forward and our foot has to land somewhere.

We are all aware that everything we do causes a reaction. We take a step forward and our foot has to land somewhere. I believe we can take those steps without negative reaction by knowing where we are going and the impact such direction will have on those around us.

Earth Month is an opportunity for changing direction. This is not a journey that starts on April 1 and ends April 30. This journey started a long time ago; it is happening right now and it will continue after Earth Month is over. It is a journey toward leaving a lighter footprint upon the earth.

The mental process of change started subliminally for most of us. Everyone has heard of global warming and climate change. Whether we believe in one set of scientists or another, we cannot deny the uneasy feeling that perhaps, just perhaps, we are causing stress upon the systems that support us.

It’s a nagging elephant in the room when we leave a light on or heater on when we have left the house, or run the engine in our car for more than a minute when waiting to pick up a friend. Until we question why we do a thing, we cannot move toward a result we can commit to.

How did we acquire the energy that powers that lightbulb or heater or car? Once we start asking how, we can’t help but stumble upon the cause of the reaction that gave us that energy: harnessing water to power generators; extracting oil from the ground; using and altering natural resources.

So, what is the desired result? The result is not to continue causing the same degree of reaction we currently cause on the earth. Instead, we can join the dots, understand the reactions caused by our actions and choose to reduce, eliminate or change some of those actions.

A great time to try this out is Earth Month. April is the month in which we celebrate Earth Day, April 22. Events, activities, workplace changes, school lessons, church programs, there is something for everyone to do during Earth Month. But we need more than just “doing.”

Change happens through knowing why we are participating. The “how” may be set up for us. The result can be life-changing, if we give it a chance.

Change takes more than one day; it takes more than one week. We’re giving change a helping hand by creating Earth Month. It takes one day to make a habit, yet 30 days to break a habit. So, April is the perfect month to break those habits.

Remember, it is one step at a time. What will you do?

Janet Southcott is a member of the Earth Month team. For information go to or email [email protected].