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Viewpoint: Celebrate the achievements of workers

"It is important to reflect on the nature of work and working conditions and to recognize the labour of the people who built this country..." ~ North Island-Powell River MP Rachel Blaney
North Island – Powell River MP Rachel Blaney.

It’s already the Labour Day long weekend, which means back to school and back to rainy, fall weather! I wanted to take the time to wish everybody a Happy Labour Day.

On this day, let’s take time to celebrate all the achievements workers have fought for in this country. It is important to reflect on the nature of work and working conditions and to recognize the labour of the people who built this country and the labour organizations who have fought for and continue to fight for the rights of workers.

Workers now get to ​enjoy important benefits such as vacation days, sick days, appropriate work hours and standard working conditions. These were fought for and won by hardworking people who know their worth.

Whether you’re a port worker, nurse, writer or grocery clerk, all workers in Canada deserve a fair deal. Many jobs can come with unstable or challenging conditions that can affect workers’ lives. We have all seen stories about workers having burnout, stress and mental health struggles or who have gotten injured on the job.

As inflation for groceries, gas and housing keeps rising and interest rate hikes strain Canadians’ budgets, workers and their families are paying more and getting less. Workers didn’t cause inflation, and they shouldn’t be the ones who pay the price. It’s time to change that.

All workers deserve to earn a fair living wage, access to the resources and supports they need to work safely, and should have social safety nets that are there for them, however they need it. This includes access to paid sick days, dental and pharmacare programs, accessible health care and child care, and anti-scab legislation.

Labour Day came from working people who wanted to change unfair conditions and fought to raise their bar of dignity. By standing shoulder to shoulder with workers, we can create a more robust, fair society that tips the scales toward workers, ensuring their rights are not at risk.

At a time when workers are organizing to demand better wages and fairer working conditions, my NDP colleagues and I stand in solidarity with them. This Labour Day — and always — New Democrats have workers' backs. We will keep fighting for higher wages, better working conditions and stronger rights. No one should be left behind and workers deserve to have their voice heard.

Thank you to those who stand up again and again for everyday people.

Rachel Blaney is the MP for North Island-Powell River.

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