by Jock McLauchlan It has been quite frustrating to sit back and read the recent reports in the Peak on the topic of Sunshine Coast Tourism’s (SCT) Municipal Regional District Tax (MRDT) application. This program is in place in 53 communities in BC and it is past time for our region to be included.
The article in the August 12 Peak entitled “Resort owners oppose added tax” highlighted just one resort’s concerns. The opinions expressed may also represent other resort owners in the area but they certainly do not represent the majority of resorts on the Sunshine Coast who have willingly signed on to the MRDT.
As a bed and breakfast operator who is exempt from the program by provincial mandate (not by desire in my case), I object to the accusation in the story that we do not contribute but still receive full benefit. All members of our association pay membership fees and, if they wish to join in any cooperative marketing initiatives, must pay for this. Once the MRDT monies come to our area, the collecting accommodators will: have automatic free membership (which would range from $300 to just over $900); have their own distinct eight-member committee mandated to bring recommendations on how the marketing dollars will be spent; and, have a substantial annual stipend to counteract the cost of the decided-upon cooperative marketing campaigns which will benefit us all. They will have four positions on the board which guarantees they always have the largest single voice.
The letter to the editor entitled “Taxing question” in the same edition is very misleading and reflects the writer’s obvious bias against what SCT’s board has been attempting to achieve. It seems to suggest that something sinister is in the works. In actuality, all the serving members of this democratically-elected board have carefully adhered to the provincial guidelines to ensure that the correct procedures have been followed at all times. There has been no “gross violation” as suggested in the letter. We are an inclusive society governed by our constitution and we are always looking to encourage new memberships. The present bylaws of the society provide for 11 directors, of which four must be from the large-accommodation sector. We have at present other non-collecting accommodators on the board, all committed to ensuring that we serve the greater community as is enshrined in our constitution and bylaws.
I entitled this viewpoint “A volunteer’s response” for a reason. I am working only for the good of our greater community. I appreciate what this wonderful area has given me and wish to give my time as payment for what I have received. I honour truth and honesty and do not appreciate falsehoods perpetuated by others. I have attempted to consult with all the affected accommodators in this area on the advantages MRDT will bring and don’t believe I have pressured anyone. In future, when reporting on such important issues, I would hope the Peak tries to ensure it gets the story from those who are legitimately responsible for it and not just from those who do not wish to volunteer their time working for the greater good of this community.
Jock McLauchlan is current president of Tourism Powell River, treasurer of Sunshine Coast Tourism Board and a past upper coast director at large of Sunshine Coast Bed and Breakfast and Cottage Owners Association.