Reality test
I was a bit surprised to see John Weston quoted as saying “It seems the only reason someone wants to provoke an election isn’t for the good of Canadians, but for the self interest of trying to go into government.” [“Candidates differ on spring election,” February 2.] It’s notable that he didn’t add, “or trying to stay in government‚” in view of his own party’s repeated attempts in the relatively recent past to provoke an election without being seen to be responsible for it. And, as alluded to in the article, behaving as though you’re campaigning for an election may not be the most effective way of communicating your reluctance to hold one.
Weston’s claim that he hasn’t seen any of the attack ads is quite disturbing, as it seems to suggest that he doesn’t watch CBC news, where these ads have often appeared, and that he’s unaware of what his own party is doing, therefore falling below what one would reasonably expect to be the minimum standard of competence for an MP.
In keeping with the theme of the pot calling the kettle black, one cannot escape the irony of Weston’s accusation that “The Bloc [Quebecois] will do anything to disrupt Canada...” I challenge Weston to offer even a single instance of the Bloc doing anything nearly as disruptive as what his own party has done—signing onto the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, which undermines Canadian sovereignty while increasing US control over our resources, and signing an agreement allowing US military forces to invade Canada whenever they deem it necessary—just to give a couple of examples.
George Kosinski
Gibsons, BC
Driving tests
In my opinion this policy of the BC Liberal government is the worst I have seen in the media for some time [“Tests now closer to home,” February 9].
This policy targets a small and undeserving group of people. I feel the motor vehicle branch is very discriminatory in its profiling of seniors in the application of this policy.
Where does the motor vehicle branch get the medical information regarding older drivers?
Why does this policy not apply to all levels and age of the BC population, for example politicians, commercial drivers, police and so on, just seniors?
If the medical information is obtained through Pharmacare or any other way without the consent of the senior involved I would believe that to be an invasion of privacy.
I don’t know who said “the right to drive is a privilege and not a right.” I find that to be a totally stupid statement by the police and civil servants. I was surprised there was not a larger negative reaction from the New Democratic Party opposition regarding this situation.
I object to a system that would take away a senior’s right to drive for the rest of their life on the basis of one computer test. If a drunk driver has a car accident and kills people he does not run the risk of a lifetime driving ban.
I would like to remind politicians they are only temporary employees of the voting public including seniors.
Gerald L. Widsten
Donkersley Road
Illegal dumping
Over the past two years some irresponsible Powell River residents have been using the Duck Lake logging roads, which lead to local hiking and walking trails used by locals and tourists alike, as their own personal garbage dump [“Cleanup restores forests, trails,” April 7, 2010].
Everything from wet cement, old furniture and doors, mounds of roofing shingles and floor tiles, roof gutters, bundles of used vapour barrier, yard refuse, baby carriages, and the usual tossed bags of garbage are abandoned on the roadsides, with no consideration either for the impact this has on the area, or for the impression it creates to anyone using the trails.
On one of the access roads someone lacking any sense of courtesy threw numerous butchered deer carcasses in the roadway, complete with heads and entrails that spewed out across the road where people walked and rode. Add to this two more beautiful does thrown, totally unbutchered, obviously killed for sport and not meat, and probably illegally shot.
Dumping in this area is not a good thing, but the most irresponsible offenders of all are the two hunters who continue to target practice shooting across the clear cuts in the area after they’ve already been told that these are all surrounded by walking trails. Don’t you think you should give your head a shake before you shoot someone or their child, someone’s pet, a horse, hiker or biker?
Saundra Barnes
Duck Lake Road