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Letters: Scrutinize all drivers

When it comes down to driving in fractions ["Assessments for aging drivers," February 24], do not pick on the seniors. A lot of us seniors have good driving records. There are a lot of retired seniors that travel and enjoy their lives on the road.

When it comes down to driving in fractions ["Assessments for aging drivers," February 24], do not pick on the seniors. A lot of us seniors have good driving records. There are a lot of retired seniors that travel and enjoy their lives on the road.

If anything, I think they should look at all drivers and be fair. Myself, I think some drivers think they own the road and they are always on their cell phones, up to their ear, not hands-free, or they are texting.

More fatal crashes are caused by those infractions at intersections and in parking lots. As far as I am concerned, they are driving impaired.

So it's not only seniors, it's everyone who has a valid driver's licence that should look at their manual and check what is right and what is wrong.

The way I was taught, you check out your vehicle for lights and signals, brake lights, tires, mirrors and adjust your seat. Check all fluids, be safe. Seat belts save lives.

Thumbs up, seniors. Thumbs up to all valid drivers. Please be safe and help our emergency staff. They will thank you.

Clifford Lang
Squamish, BC