Highway solution
The Internet [“Internet speeds economic development,” September 14] is man’s greatest feat of engineering, ever. Throughout the world it changes how people think and act.
During mayor Dave Formosa’s term in office, Powell River has had its electric power upgraded and fibre-optic cable installed. We now have a modern, stable, digital highway to this extremely valuable resource.
To complement this knowledge highway, we now need a modern highway system in order to improve our ability to trade in today’s highly competitive world.
Slowing down commercial traffic on Marine [“Council pushes for slower Marine,” September 14] is counterproductive from a trading perspective. Building the Manson Avenue bypass is a far better solution to improve our ability to trade.
Rerouting Highway 101 and upgrading Manson is a good solution, one that will be, one hopes, in step with the yet-to-be-announced findings of the fixed-link study.
Tom Hobbs
Butedale Street
Parking problem
I don’t think the solution is to lower the speed limit [“Council pushes for slower Marine,” September 14]. The problem is how close parking is to crosswalks.
I grew up in Toronto’s east end and there was always sufficient space before crosswalks to see any pedestrians wanting to cross. In Powell River, vehicles park so close and almost on top of crossings, so it is very hard to see any pedestrians waiting to cross.
I personally have had a few close calls at some crossings because of large vehicles parked so close you cannot see anyone wanting to cross. The new crosswalk on Joyce Avenue is how it should be done for safety.
Heather Cosgrove
Maple Avenue