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Letters: Get facts straight about hunters

Get facts straight about hunters I thought I would give my thoughts on the story in last week’s paper [“Arrow strikes anger on Texada Island,” February 3].

Get facts straight about hunters

I thought I would give my thoughts on the story in last week’s paper [“Arrow strikes anger on Texada Island,” February 3].

First of all, this arrow was in no way associated with a group from Powell River enjoying a weekend away (Broken Arrow bowhunting contest). Second, people who don’t follow hunting regulations are not hunters, they are referred to as poachers (page 27 of BC Wildlife Federation CORE manual).

The fact that there was an arrow on someone’s property is, of course, not good at all. But don’t go around phoning businesses, calling newspapers and insinuating it is a certain group of individuals.

Local business and volunteers have to put up with this kind of negativity all of the time. Next time, before you start throwing rocks at not only my business, but others, get your facts straight.

Sam Sansalone
Padgett Road