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Letters: By-election; lakes; rabbit culling

By-election call premature With regard to Electoral Area B director Stan Gisborne’s situation [“Residents request by-election,” January 20], I am surprised and really disappointed that a dozen or so residents of Area B would go to the extent of calli

By-election call premature

With regard to Electoral Area B director Stan Gisborne’s situation [“Residents request by-election,” January 20], I am surprised and really disappointed that a dozen or so residents of Area B would go to the extent of calling for a by-election because of concerns about their area’s representation on the board.

Really? Talk about kicking a man when he’s down. Not only was this premature, I think it was thoughtless, cruel and extremely insensitive. Shame on you all.

It is no secret Gisborne suffered a serious health issue. However, Area B residents still have representation by way of Alan Rebane, the alternate director and, no, Rebane did not receive the mandate of the electorate; no alternate would.

Gisborne received the mandate and entrusted Rebane with the responsibility of alternate director. I would hope the majority of Area B residents also appreciate the work Rebane has done as it certainly can’t be easy for either Gisborne or Rebane to wake up one day and suddenly find themselves in these circumstances.

Politics is a dirty business and it is certainly no walk in the park for a person to put their life on hold, follow the courage of their convictions and decide to run for office.

Gisborne did so, as have many others. He threw his hat in the ring and won support for a further four-year term, fair and square by a majority vote. I would hope he has the support of the whole community right now.

It must be terrifying to suddenly find yourself hospitalized in Vancouver, away from home, family and friends and the life you built for yourself, in other words, to find yourself in Gisborne’s circumstances.

Patience and compassion are called for at this time, not a by-election.

Rosemary Morgan

Padgett Road


Keep lakes open

People of Powell River have to remember Lois Lake [“Lois Lake cabin owners express concerns,” January 27] is made up of three lakes and was dammed for power for the old Powell River Company. They were called First, Second and Third lakes.

People went on these lakes for decades, put their boats in at First Lake and went to their cabins or homes. The government has now stepped in. Why after all these years?

These lakes are clean, people respect them. I have enjoyed a good life on these three lakes.

Powell River people should fight for the right to have the boat launch reopened.

I was raised on the lakes with my family (lots of goods fishing) and helped my stepdad and his livelihood of hard work to put bread and butter on our table.

There is no reason to block these lakes for fun and recreation. Keep them open for the people of Powell River.

Clifford Lang

Squamish, BC


Rabbit culling inhumane

BC SPCA is fundamentally opposed to the inhumane culling of feral rabbits [“Council briefs: Approves feral rabbit cull,” January 13] and encourages the use of non-lethal options for controlling rabbit populations through an integrated wildlife management approach.

BC SPCA supports activities that aim to humanely trap, sterilize and find rabbits in suitable homes or sanctuaries that can provide for their needs for the remainder of their lives.

Management of the feral rabbit colony is a municipal responsibility; the only role BC SPCA Powell River Branch will have is to ensure the rabbits are humanely trapped and killed.

Brandy Craig

BC SPCA Powell River and District Branch