According to comments in last week’s article on retirement community suitability [“Seniors face challenges,” November 9], Powell River is not intended for senior citizens.
Those seniors whose health has not yet deteriorated should get out while they can. Of course, there are alternatives; assisted suicide is now legal in Canada.
Also, those in Vancouver who are living on the streets can change places with Powell River’s immobile seniors, who will then be able to access the social services available in the big city. The homeless of Vancouver can then enjoy the comfort of Powell River’s vacant homes.
Obviously, there has to be means of preventing the undesirable seniors from moving here, so we will need a special detachment of border police at the ferry terminals to keep them out.
It’s comforting to know our city is being proactive and forward looking. Well done.
As a senior who is, at present, mobile, I’m packing my bags so I’ll be ready to leave when the time comes.
Ken Oakes
Invermere Court