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Letter: Where do MLA candidates stand on a safer highway?

'Safety issues including too many accidents to count (sadly including fatalities), delays due to construction projects on adjacent lands as seen in Selma Park recently, and even delays due to the garbage trucks stopping at every home, thereby holding back traffic, are not acceptable.'
Low profile image of open roadway through a forest


Recent letters and social media posts highlight what is already well known. Our current road (goat trail) is just totally inadequate for our needs, now and in the future.

The Sunshine Coast Highway Society has been advocating for a new “state of the art” highway from Langdale to Sechelt and beyond for the past six years and previous organizations had also pursued this for many years before.

It is truly unconscionable that no meaningful action has been taken for decades!

Safety issues including too many accidents to count (sadly including fatalities), delays due to construction projects on adjacent lands as seen in Selma Park recently, and even delays due to the garbage trucks stopping at every home, thereby holding back traffic, are not acceptable.

Recent ministry studies have done nothing to identify a viable solution to the many issues with our current road. Left-turn lanes and bike paths in sections don’t address the fundamental issue that we have a dangerous, undersized highway that cannot be improved due to homes and driveways along the entire route! The only option is to build new.

With the provincial election on the horizon, now is the time for all of us to be questioning our MLA candidates about their views on our so-called highway.

Will they commit to the building of a new, efficient highway here on the Southern Sunshine Coast?

We call on each candidate to clearly state their position on this issue. Will they commit to building it and what proposals do they have for funding the ever-increasing costs?

Safety and reliability on our highway are of primary importance. Now is the time for action. Talk to your MLA candidates and reach out to us for more information.

Robin Merriott

for Sunshine Coast Highway Society