I am writing regarding the Peak’s opinion piece [“Editorial: Nonprofits are the backbone of the community,” March 6”] on the allocation of Powell River Community Forest's (PRCF) dividends.
For 70 years, our municipality benefitted from the taxes paid by the mill. With the shutdown of the mill those taxes have been significantly reduced and will remain that way until new owners can attract industries.
This loss of revenue has and will create new challenges across the community, including nonprofits that have come to rely on PRCF dividends in order to fund their programs.
During this transition period, city staff will make recommendations to council and, with input from the PRCF board and the public, council will make the best decisions it can for the benefit of the greatest number of residents.
As a person with one council vote, I take seriously my responsibility to vote on the allocation of Powell River Community Forest funds in a way that will result in maximum benefits to our citizens. I anticipate continuing to support the city staff's recommendation to reallocate some PRCF dividends.
Ron Woznow, mayor
City of Powell River
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