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Letter: Hats off to BC Hydro line outage repair crews

"It must take a lot of grit to come out and tackle the problems to get the hydro up and working again."
The photo above was taken from the Willingdon Beach Trail on windy day earlier this month.

I was hoping to express my appreciation for the BC Hydro line workers who have shown great tenacity during our recent windstorms ["Strong winds expected to hit qathet region..." December 23].

Nobody wants trees to blow over onto hydro-power transmission lines, but when they do, our lives take a quick regression back to the dark ages, literally.

South of [Powell River], we have had at least four outages in the past month. These are commonly at night, during windy conditions. It must take a lot of grit to come out and tackle the problems to get the hydro up and working again.

The last one was on Christmas Eve and took till 4:30 am Christmas morning to get operational. I wouldn't have expected the line crew to stick with the repairs for that long, but they seem very dedicated to their customers and jobs. We are so lucky to have such a great crew in our area.

We also appreciate the Shaw crew coming out to fix up their lines after hydro had finished. All the best to all the line crews in our area, Please know none of you are taken for granted. Here's to hoping for a pleasant 2025.

Richard Klinkhamer,
qathet Regional District

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