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Letter: Goal is to inform

"The goal of the WRS is to research issues of importance to its members and to present different opinions about them..."

I am responding to Richard Armstrong’s recent letter to the Peak (and city council) criticizing Westview Ratepayers Society (WRS), based on his attendance at a single membership meeting [“Letter: Opinions have been heard,” February 27].

I attended the same meeting and do not recognize it from his inaccurate description. Furthermore, as secretary of WRS, I record and keep meeting minutes. I have a very careful and detailed record of the meeting. I am left wondering at Mr. Armstrong’s unstated motives for his seemingly deliberate misrepresentation of what transpired.

The meeting Mr. Armstrong attended was carried out in an orderly fashion. First, it was an opportunity for WRS members and interested citizens to be briefed by [Powell River] mayor Ron Woznow, and have questions answered on critical issues that may substantially increase city taxes this year.

Next up were reports delivered by the six WRS working group committees and a president’s report on WRS’s attempts to join the task force on homelessness. Lastly, a list of priorities for 2025 was presented and voted on by members. No merger plan with other ratepayers or plans to run an election slate were discussed.

The remainder of the meeting fielded comments and questions from members on a wide range of issues. Some of these comments were critical of council, which members are entitled to express. However, such personal opinions are not the adopted position of WRS.

It is unfortunate that Mr. Armstrong is unaware of the two years of work and many proposals that WRS has presented to council, Lift and BC Housing with respect to community concerns regarding supportive housing and homelessness.

The goal of the WRS is to research issues of importance to its members and to present different opinions about them, often with guest speakers. Our goal is always to inform members so that they can decide for themselves. If Mr. Armstrong became a member of WRS, he too would be welcome to contribute his views

Misrepresenting what transpired and publishing mistruths does not contribute to working together for the good of this community.

Neil R. Abramson, secretary
Westview Ratepayers Society