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Letter: Disappointed in building height decision

"Many Powell River residents bought or built their houses to maximize the wonderful view..."
CHECKING VIEW: Ontario Avenue property owner Dan Hanson [left], discusses the height of a rental apartment complex to be built between Franklin and Alberta avenues in Westview with City of Powell River councillor Earl Almeida, from Hanson’s Ontario Avenue deck. A balloon test was organized by the developer to show how the apartment building would affect view scapes.

I’m very disappointed in [City of Powell River] council’s decision to increase the height of buildings and reduce the number of parking spots ["Powell River Council approves apartment complex permit," December 12].

When one is allowed, how can you prevent others following? Many Powell River residents bought or built their houses to maximize the wonderful view, only to have it lost or compromised.

Whose house will be next? It could be yours.

Helen Evans,
Manitoba Avenue

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