I am a faithful reader of Murray Dobbin’s Counterpoint, but this week [“Flight of Fancy,” August 24] I was disappointed, even though he may have raised a legitimate concern about Gaoshi Holdings (Canada).
Like Dobbin, I didn’t know whether to “laugh or cry.” His pessimism about City of Powell River Council overwhelmed me. Council is making a valiant effort to be entrepreneurial and all Dobbin has to offer is a scorecard: “That’s zero for six.” Would Dobbin rather that council roll over and play dead for fear of not bringing its entrepreneurial efforts to fruition?
Dobbin states, “The creation of new industrial enterprises is incredibly difficult...” Kudos for a council that, despite the difficulties, continues to try.
Dobbin also states, “But candidates for civic office have a duty not to make promises they can’t keep.” Entrepreneurial endeavours are not sure things, but they do demonstrate that council is at least trying to revitalize our city; offering some hope for our community.
Dobbin’s score-keeping suggests that winning is the only thing that counts. A scorecard of six attempts is better than zero attempts.
Jan Grants
Westminster Street