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Kicking the Clutter: Journey to a clutter-free home begins today

What prevents you from achieving a beautiful and functional household?

This is the perfect time to eliminate clutter from your home and life. What prevents you from achieving a beautiful and functional household?

I discovered that most people don’t know where to start clearing things. Also, many develop an emotional attachment to their stuff, making it impossible to let it go.

Display this amazing quote by Zig Ziglar on your fridge: “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

Clutter can overwhelm you and make you tired. I suggest starting slow and steady. Small and harmless habits can cause clutter in your home. The jacket you didn’t hang, the laundry dumped on your bed, or the avalanche of papers left on your kitchen table.

Establish one consistent home for all your belongings. The less you have, the easier it will be to do so. Here are a few easy steps to achieve a clutter-free home:

Be clear on what you need
It’s tempting to hang onto things because they might be useful one day. But instead of stuffing our space with “probabilities,” what if we focus on what we use now? For example, you bought a pasta maker because you had a desire to become a pasta pro. How many times have you made homemade pasta? If once or never, ditch the gadget.

Discard guilt
We all have things we’re holding onto out of guilt, gifts we feel obliged to keep, things passed down to us, or items we spent money on but never used.

Picture a home you like
Close your eyes and picture your space exactly as you’d love it to be. Is it calm? Cozy? Maybe a bit more spacious? Whatever that picture is, hold onto it. Then, when you go through things, ask yourself if each item fits into your vision.

Be kind to yourself
Decluttering can be tough and time consuming. Remember, that home didn’t get cluttered overnight, so it’s going to take some time to become functional again.

Think before buying
A clutter-free home isn’t just about letting go; it’s also about being conscious of what comes in. Next time you’re tempted to buy a new gadget, piece of clothing or home décor, ask yourself if you need it.

Enjoy a clutter-free attitude
When you start making these small transformations in your home, you will feel lighter, calmer and more self-assured. Many people find the confidence to open a business, go back to school, or find the job they like.

I was surprised by how many people thought change wasn’t possible. Moving forward and away from clutches of clutter is liberating and exciting. It shows us how a little change in your home can positively affect your life and the life of your family.

Happy New Year!

Transformational life coach Ranka Burzan owns a professional organizing company in the qathet region and has written several books on reducing clutter. For more information, email [email protected].

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