Powell River residents have an opportunity to show support for action on climate change this Saturday, March 26. Turning out the lights during Earth Hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 pm, is one simple measure that people can take to help make a difference.
Earth Hour has grown from a single event in Sydney, Australia in 2007 to a global phenomenon that occurred across six continents in 2008. The event shows that small actions, when taken together, can make a big difference.
In 2010, Earth Hour reached more than 1.3 billion people in 128 countries and territories. More than 10 million Canadians participated in about 300 cities and towns. Powell River reduced its electricity consumption by 1.7 per cent, while provincially the load dropped by 1.04 per cent.
Earth Hour demonstrates that people are taking personal actions to reduce their footprint and that they expect the same level of commitment from government. Participating in Earth Hour is a good way to show support for action on climate change. Changing the choices we each make in our own lives every day is just as important.