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Editorial: Literacy is crucial to how we access information

January 27 is Family Literacy Day

Literacy is crucial to how we access information, and being able to receive and interpret information leads to having control over many aspects of life. Not having control means being at the mercy of either other people or government agencies.

With many jobs needing more than a high school education, it is difficult for people without literacy skills to obtain employment, as technology continues to change the way people work and live.

Family Literacy Day is January 27. The annual initiative, started by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 1999, encourages families to engage in reading activities together. Setting aside time each day to read with children is crucial to their development, and may help the parents as well.

Our education system results in many hours and dollars being spent on instilling and improving literacy skills in students. That expenditure needs to be backed up by parents.

Children learn from their teachers, but the home environment provides even more opportunities to develop their reading habits. The best way to instill a love of reading in children is to read with them at all ages.

Being able to handle modern, complex problems can only be accomplished with basic literacy skills. Most people likely take the ability to read and write for granted, but many of those who haven't mastered either skill spend a large part of their lives trying to disguise the fact that they struggle with one, or both.

Adults who admit they need help, tackle the challenge and take courses, or work with a tutor, deserve praise and acknowledgment. It takes courage to admit there is a problem and then do something about it.

What are you reading today? To access Family Literacy Day learning materials and activities, go to

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