Madre, mae, maman, mor, mum, mutter. No matter the language or culture, the word “mother” has many subtle nuances and grander meanings.
Even mothers who have a full-time career with its own title can add caregiver, career consultant, confidante, relationship adviser, therapist and life coach to the list as alternatives, to name a few.
But why stop at a few? When the multitasking involved includes being a referee, fashion consultant, hair stylist, chauffeur, chef, doctor/nurse and part-time psychiatrist, the position seems to require a master’s degree from a top university for proper qualification. Yet, somehow, moms inherit just the right combination of skills to fit every problem, every question, every moment.
There is a house in every neighbourhood where it seems all of the friends of a daughter or a son flock after school, on weekends or when times are tough at home. In that home is a woman who is a mother not only to her own children, she’s a mom to every young person who steps through the door. No one ever leaves hungry. Everyone is given the opportunity to share what ails them, or speak their mind.
Mothers are the glue that holds families together. They preserve tradition and history. They often share knowledge passed down from generations of mothers before them.
Mothers nurture future adults and send them out into the world, where they will begin their own adventures. Learning never stops and moms will always be years ahead of their offspring in experience and knowledge. It is a resource worth nourishing, protecting and remembering.
For anyone who takes their mother’s qualities and guidance for granted, this Sunday, May 12, is a make-up day, but paying it back for a lifetime is recommended. The commercial aspect of Mother’s Day serves as a reminder, for anyone who needs one, to ensure maternal parents feel appreciated for all they have done and continue to do for their children, whether they are toddlers, teenagers or grownups.
A mother’s connection to her children rarely ceases, even when they live in a different city, province or country. That’s what those monthly, weekly or even daily phone calls are all about.
Not every relationship can be perfect. If your mother can be a nightmare on occasion, keep in mind that you more than likely fit the same bill for her at some point, although she probably kept it to herself. She may have the odd flaw, but she is also perfect in every way.
Find a way to spoil your mom this weekend, or honour her memory. And while you’re at it, thank her, for everything.
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