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Editorial: Back to school

Students return to school next week but teachers and BC’s government remain far apart in contract talks. The impasse promises to make for an interesting school year.

Students return to school next week but teachers and BC’s government remain far apart in contract talks. The impasse promises to make for an interesting school year.

BC Teachers’ Federation is negotiating for smaller class sizes, increased wages and improved benefits. BC Public School Employers’ Association, the organization that represents the provincial government in contract talks, has made it clear its mandate is a zero-net wage increase.

If the two sides can’t reach an agreement before Tuesday, September 6, teachers are prepared to start the first of a three-phase pressure campaign. They won’t be doing administrative work, such as filling out forms, supervising, attending staff meetings or preparing report cards.

The job action creates a challenging atmosphere for the beginning of school. For the sake of students, the two sides should do everything possible to make their way through difficult negotiations to reach an agreement.