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qathet Regional District briefs

Savary ramp tenure; National Indigenous Peoples Day; Lund Sanitary Sewer Development Cost Bylaw; Water/wastewater utility system acquisition policy; Waiver of late payment penalty
Savary Island.
qathet Regional District board of directors recently directed staff to apply for a tenure agreement for the Indian Point boat ramp on Savary Island. Dean van't Schip photo

Savary ramp

qathet Regional District (qRD) board of directors has directed staff to apply for a 30-year tenure agreement for the Indian Point boat ramp on Savary Island.

At the May 28 regional district board meeting, board members considered a report from the committee of the whole, which indicated that residents of Savary Island have used the area at Indian Point as an informal boat launch for years. The province controls the lands and a tenure agreement with the government is required to maintain the launch.

According to a staff report, prior to entering into a tenure agreement with the province, it requested information that would show the impact of the boat launch on the marine environment. A study commissioned by the regional district determined the boat launch is not having a significant impact on adjacent marine areas.

New policy

The regional board has directed staff to develop a water/wastewater utility system acquisition policy. According to a staff report, regional district staff have been approached numerous times in past years by improvement districts and water utility operators regarding their concerns and struggles associated with the provision of their services. The report states the most direct example is the intended dissolution of the Lund water improvement district and its request that the qRD take over the system to be operated as a regional service. Staff do not currently have a clear direction about how the board will approach potential acquisition requests. The report stated that having a clear and transparent policy will ensure expectations of the regional district are clear to all parties.

Development charge

Lund Sanitary Sewer Development Cost Bylaw 550 was adopted by the qRD board of directors. For residential land, the development cost charge is $2,067.46 per dwelling unit, and for non-residential, the development cost charge is $5.17 per square metre of gross floor area. According to the bylaw, the owner of any parcel of land who obtains approval of a subdivision of a parcel of land shall, prior to approval of the subdivision, pay qathet Regional District the stipulated development cost charge.

Proclaims day

The qRD board has proclaimed June 21 as National Indigenous Peoples Day. According to the proclamation, it is an official day of celebration for all Canadians to recognize and honour the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.

Passes waiver

The regional board passed a waiver of late payment penalty for users of Myrtle Pond and Lund sewer systems. The board carried a motion to waive/forgive late payment penalties assessed or assessable on late payments of the first and second quarter 2020 invoices to users of the Myrtle Pond water system, and that staff be directed to monitor the situation at 8027 Highway 101 and report back to the board with options after the July 2020 invoice for water use has been issued.

The board then carried a motion that the board waive/forgive the late payment penalties assessed or assessable on late payment of invoices for the first semi-annual payment due May 31, 2020, from users of the Lund sewer system.

According to a staff report, in late April, the province announced several financial measures that local governments could employ during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as postponing late payment penalties. The report stated it is reasonable to assume that many utility system users in general will be experiencing financial difficulties during the pandemic.